Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but it can be weak

Without abundant energy life is an uphill battle. How are we supposed to live the life we want without the energy to do so? energy is the force behind everything and without strong energy, life is uneccessarily difficult.

Energy is a story about you

Due to your individuality, optimising energy and health will be different for you compared to someone else. This is where I point you in the right direction on your unique path by helping you look at your life so far, and what areas are best to focus on.

What most health practitioners get wrong

Simply put, their protocols are too generalized and aggressive. They also miss out several key components - your light exposure and the information you are exposed to. Diet isn't just food, it's everything you experience.Have you ever been under guidance of a health practitioner and felt disconnected from their plan? felt like your body is the enemy? they tell you to buy 4 expensive tests and based off of the results, direct you to take 20+ different supplements all at once. You spend lots of money, get nowhere, and maybe even feel like you're more confused than before. Maybe you even start to wonder if you can ever feel normal or healthy again.If you've ever felt like this, I understand. I too have had my journey with health issues and along the way to healing, I often found myself disconnected from the very people trying to help me. Some were more in tune than others but every single one I tried missed out something important. It wasn't truly holistic.

Why should you choose me?

I create a tailor-made approach for your goals. Some of you may want to have a little more energy or you want to improve your gut health. Perhaps you want to feel calmer and aren't sure how to do so. My methods are holistic and I work with you, not against you.There's 4 pillars to my coaching:Information: What comes into contact with your mind and body - food, water, care products, what websites or apps you use and what light you're exposed to. These are daily inputs into the body.Expression: Healing a chronic health problem isn't just a diet or a pill, it's also how your inner desires are expressed, or not expressed. Are you where you want to be in life? how is this influencing you?Movement: It needs to be fun. Finding what works best for you and fits with your schedule.Rest and feeling: Finding out what helps you relax and making this a priority. We need to rest to heal. We also need to be aware of what our body is telling us. Our body is in constant communication with us, but listening to the body is something that modern society has unfortunately forgotten.And with these pillars, we keep in mind your goals. What you want to achieve. This will be specific to you, and will be the core that we work with.

No expensive tests before even introducing a little bit of stability.
No ignoring the emotional elements of your journey this is often swept under the rug.
No laundry list of supplements to take (there will be a few)
No demonizing the body. No demonizing specific food.
Instead, we will begin with focus on:Calming down your nervous system with simple, easy, cheap additions to your life. You don't shift to vibrant health by attacking your system and moving so fast you have no idea what is doing what. Slow is fast and fast is slow.We build momentum by building clarity.
We signal to the body that we're here to help.
We take a step by step personalized approach.

My areas of expertise:

Diet - macro and micronutrients, proper cellular hydration, gut motility, gut microbiomeCircadian biology & how light influences us at a profound levelSleep optimisation and how the saying "I'll sleep when I'm dead" is a disaster for the human raceQuitting porn and the psychology behind itTargeted supplementation with products that are pure and won't break the bank.Spiritual and psychological frameworks

About my journey

My journey started back in 2011 when I knew nothing about health. I was extremely depressed and anxious about my future. I didn't like the way I looked. I didn't feel good internally. I had low energy and a lot of internal conflict. Because of this, I would spend long hours playing video games, eating microwaved food, watching movies and stressing over things I couldn't change. I felt stuck. I wanted to change but felt hopeless.During this period I would occasionally stumble across information on health ranging from dietary choices, supplements, exercise, light exposure, hormone optimisation, posture and movement.The problem was I felt LOST. This made implementing the information I found difficult. I lived like this for over half a decade! going around in circles, giving up, trying to figure out what I thought what was wrong with me only to return back to square one.Due to living this extremely misguided lifestyle for many years, In 2017 at just 22 years old I developed Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of cancer . My entire life flashed before my eyes and to make matters worse, after treatment I was left with that question "why me?" I was also left with a bit of survivors guilt. There's this "belief" that we "beat cancer" but what about the people not so fortunate? What about their life? This is where my journey into health truly began as I peeled back the layers of my previous life and what actually happened to me.I was exhausted after treatment and traumatized at what happened. I was 22 years old. How could this be? I was angry at the world and confused. But it was a doorway into a new reality. One that ultimately was my path to a more peaceful life.This may feel like it ends abruptly and that's because it does. This was the first part of a very long conflict within myself. I will be telling my full story in the future, most likely in a video or when I upload my full website, I'll have a dedicated section for it.

Helpful resources

My goal with this website is to help you, even if you spend just a few minutes here. Below I have some helpful resources that will help you on your journey.

  1. Organic Basics A great website for organic clothing. Our skin absorbs what touches it (to varying degrees)!

  2. Raum shoes Amazing grounding barefoot shoes that are fashionable!

  3. Iris blueblocking software More customizable than built in computer software for blocking out blue light at night!

  4. 432hz music playlist for sleeping If you have trouble sleeping this may help. It encourages you to relax and keeps you in a more peaceful thought loop.

  5. Finding raw milk Raw milk is the superior option compared to pasteurised, problem is it can be hard to source. Don't drink this with meals! milk is slightly alkaline and this can interfere with digestion of heavier foods such as meat.

Good websites to investigate

Recommended reading websites

  1. Toxinless A useful website for finding supplements free of impurities

  2. Chadnet wiki archive Huge archive of information from farming to astrology, homesteading, politics, culture, cooking, dating and more. Great resource to use if you're investigating something specific and looking at alternative sources. Lots of downloadable content.

  3. - Spiritual exploration There are book recommendations, video content and blogs surrounding the nature of reality. Tread carefully if you haven't done much spiritual exploration before. The topics discussed go very deep but resonate with me a lot.

  4. Reversing vision loss naturally (no LASIK) surprisingly, most vision loss is environmentally induced and can be reversed.

Some tips on things you can do now and also what NOT to do. This is often more important than what you should do.

  1. Cut out seed oils. These are oils like canola oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil and a few others. The best way to remember this is to buy products that have butter, coconut oil, lard or organic extra virgin olive oil. Anything else will be a seed oil and those are not good for you!

  2. Don't avoid the sun. The sun, in the right dose, is good for us in many ways. The most talked about one is vitamin D synthesis but there are many more such as its antimicrobial effects, how it calibrates our circadian rhythm which sets off a cascade of chemical reactions in the body which set us up optimally for the day.

  3. Don't burn yourself out with excess information. Slow is fast and fast is slow. Unfollow things that don't align with you anymore or, on some level actually bother you when you see them. This frees up energy to be used elsewhere!

  4. Cut out blue light exposure the best you can before bed. Isolated blue light confuses the circadian rhythm and won't set you up for the correct chemical release to prime you for sleep when you're winding down at night. If you have to use your phone, this guide here can help you mitigate some exposure by adding a filter for your phone

  5. Pay attention to situations that fluster you or make you feel angry. Focus on these when they happen and write them down. Focus on why they may be bothering you - maybe you didn't sleep that well, maybe you had an argument, maybe you missed a delivery. Sometimes it's unrelated to the current event! this one is quite hard but it helps move energy towards a more useful purpose.

  6. Don't go a day without some down time just for you. It could be a quick shower, a bath, a walk with your dog or even something simple like lying down for 5 minutes and just breathing. The body moves most efficiently when it has some downtime to process. Only by winding down can you wind up (in the correct ways) your body deserves rest.

  1. Clean your environment! ever had an episode of spring cleaning and suddenly felt lighter afterwards? or sat with things you owned when your were younger? this is a beautiful thing - it connects you back to your younger self and the memories you had back then, and purifies the space with better flow. Cleanliness is a good reset for your headspace. If you're feeling depressed and don't want to, start with just an item, or just a box. Just sit for a minute with that feeling of not wanting to, and then go and do it. You can always stop if you really don't want to. Often times though, you'll keep going. And perhaps you'll feel better for it afterwards

  2. Clean out your computer! keeping organised bookmarks, deleting old files or programs and bookmarks can be a great way to really hone in on what's important right now. Some information you'll no longer align with, or already know enough to where you don't need the reminder. This allows new information to arrive that may be of help.

  3. Buy some plants for your space! plants are a great reminder of the wonderfully complex and intriguing world we live in. They even have physical effects on the environment, some plants are good at regulating air quality and toxin levels in the air.

  4. Make a breakfast meal plan for the week! most people start their day eating a high sugar, high toxin load breakfast such as cereal and toast. This is a pure carbohydrate meal with little fat and next to no protein in it. This will mess with your blood sugar and may be influencing your mood without you noticing! try to balance your breakfast with more fat and aim to get 30 grams of protein in, this sets you up properly for the day.

15 minute consultation

If you'd like a free 15 minute consultation with some starter recommendations for optimised energy, book a time below or email me at cam@decodingvitality.coThis is to see if we're a good fit for each other. I believe an important element to healing is finding someone you align with.

© DecodingVitality. All rights reserved.

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